Circuit Weight Training

JAG Fitness and pilates gym studio Beerwah Glasshouse Mountains

What is Circuit Weight Training?

At JAG we like to have fun while we are striving for our goals and healthy lifestyle change.

A fun fast paced body conditioning workout method that combines several strength training exercises with interval low to high intensity cardio exercises.

Generally 5 - 10 exercises helps to create a 1 complete round of circuit.

You will have a set time to complete as many times of the circuit program - 45 minutes.

You don't need to worry if you are just a beginner or worried if you will slow the group down, generally the more experienced clients will skip to another movement and come back - remembering that everyone has been at the start and will only encourage you to so your best.


What are the benefits?


1. Helps to combat health conditions and diseases

2. Improves your mood - increase those Happy hormones!!

Have fun training in a Group, seeing others working just as hard as you helps to keep you motivated and accountable

- this can be scary at first for beginners - with the support and encouragement from Gail and your fellow Jag tribe you will start to look forward to your Sessions

3. Increase Strength and muscular endurance

4. Fat loss this means your measurements around your body will start to reduce!

5. Weight loss benefits go hand in hand with a Healthy nutritional lifestyle

4. Work harder, at a faster pace your metabolism and heart rate automatically increases

5. Variety of exercise - your stickability and motivation will be long lasting - because you have no idea what Gail has cooked up for your next circuit session - You won't get bored!

6. You need to work for it! - this gives you purpose and a satisfaction on completing and achieving towards your own personal goals


Trial 45 minute Circuit Session x1 $25

(offered once not in conjunction with other specials)


Set your week on the right pathway

A popular way of working out, especially if you are looking for variety in your workouts

Improve your muscle tone and definition while also improving cardiovascular fitness


Ready to feel good. Ready to feel strong.

Start Your

4 Week Kickstarter Today! 


(New Clients - offered once only)

10x 45min sessions

Either Reformer Pilates or Circuit Weights

No extensions once started. Limited spots available. All sessions are by appointment only.